Thursday, May 3, 2012


I'm in the middle of a career change. Yes, I am CRAZY! I left a good job and stepped outside of my comfort zone in the midst of an economic crisis. The move was one that benefits my family in a way that is much more important than just a career. I have a bit of a work life balance, self prescribed, for once since college. I must admit that I now must go to bed like a little old lady, sometimes even before the sun sets to make it to work before most of my friends are even awake, but there is a payoff.

I make it home most days before 3 pm and have a chance to hang out with my family. Family is the one thing I have taken for granted over the years. Maybe because I come from such a small one that I fail to see how important this time really is as I have come to expect it. Could it be that growing up in a house with just two adults could warp my perspective on home life? Was I just another little adult? Perhaps. Now that I have my own tiny family I see how important just hanging out is. I also see how lucky I was to grow up in such a loving household. I love to come home and I love to come home to one that is now my own. After a bad marriage, countless family health concerns, and losing most of the family I finally just smile when final destination is my driveway.

I am thankful everyday that I have had the insight and the drive to simply follow my heart. Call me selfish, crazy, or driven. The rat race is still being run by my father. He's my hero, my role model, and my reminder that work can provide many things in life but can also take all of the valuable time you had to enjoy the fruits of your labor. That's why for him and for the furry waggle butts that greet me every evening... I work. I put my heart into my work. I will work until you tell me I can't work anymore and I need to go home. If that work ensures me the ability to go to my favorite place and to keep it safe and perpetuating then I win. If the job feels less like work, more like an adventure, and they pay me... Even better!  I encourage you to take a risk, put in that application, network, meet new people, love those who become your friends, say "yes" and just put yourself out there. What do you have to lose? Nothing. On the other hand, if you don't do any of these suggestions what will you end up doing? Nothing. See! Go on now, change your life!!

Since I live by the beach now I find myself embracing the following motto: If you're lucky enough to live by the beach, then you are lucky enough! I live in a vacation and I working to embrace it!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tiki Time... Having creative fun with my lil' 50's beach house.

Spontaneous chain saw Tiki mess!!

Silly Tiki Sign for the storm door project. Like it??

Kickin' it Ole Skool....

It's funny how there are certain people that you meet over the course of your life who connect with a big piece of your soul. On some occasions this connection slowly develops with time, yet others the moment you meet them they smile and speak to you like it has always been.

One special person in my life was a mentor. 13 years ago after a chance meeting involving our love for Volkswagen beetles and Taco Bell.  It was soon realized that we both used Krylon as our preferred medium. One artist was an expert, a well versed, traveled, and experienced street warrior. The other artist, myself, was young, naive and making the transition from drawing on paper to working with canvas and various surfaces/ landscapes.

To this day I wonder how fate crossed our paths. I also recognize that I must just be thankful that someone was willing to show me the ropes, getting me out into the streets and sharing my guerrilla art form with our world. I must say that watching a talented visioneer draw, paint, and write was more than inspiration, it helped to shape me as an artist.

At this particular point in my life this friendship helped show me focus, drive, and kept me out of trouble.... Well, for the most part, outside of slingin' the spray paint. (Which, by the way, is an entirely different post for a different time!) I don't even know if he fully realized that I was actually paying attention despite my ever present and aloof state of childlike wonderment. Beauty in a can. Political discussion to prompt casual awareness. Pieces of true art from the heart to outshine the trash and rust - the crumbling urban landscape we called home. I had found my favorite distraction and a mentor.

Just wanted to take a moment to say "thanks yo" to that special Bad Ass. You know who you are. If you read this you will know too. Keep on creating, you're making more than just art.